Research has shown that recovery is facilitated by social support (McLellan et al., 1998), and four types of social support have been identified in the literature (Cobb, 1976; Salzer, 2002): emotional, informational, instrumental, and affiliational support. Recovery community services projects have found these four types of social support useful in organizing the community-based peer-to-peer services they provide to recovering people. These four categories refer to types of social support, not discrete services or service models.
Generally, the four major types of recovery support services include: (1) peer mentoring or coaching, (2) recovery resource connecting, (3) facilitating and leading recovery groups, and (4) building community.
Here is a list of the peer recovery services currently being offered by Warren Coalition:
- assist the peer in setting and achieving recovery goals
- assist peer in learning and practicing coping skills
- support them in their recovery
- attend local self-help groups with the peer
- support the peer in advocating for themselves to obtain needed services
- model effective coping techniques and self-help strategies based on recovery experiences.
For additional information, please contact James Funkhouser or Heather Rollins