Local Food Pantries Running Low; Food Drive Set for Oct 14-26
At a recent Adult Needs Committee meeting hosted by the Warren Coalition, several members reported that local food pantries are running low on supplies, and the number of people seeking food assistance is increasing.
To help local food pantries restock their shelves, the Committee decided to host a short-notice food drive, kicking it off at the Festival of Leaves on October 14th and ending at the Jack O’Lantern Jubilee on October 26th.
Donations of nonperishable foods are welcome. This includes canned meat, fish, vegetables, and fruit. Meat is typically the item most needed and the least donated. Pop-tops or pouches are ideal, as some recipients may not have can openers. Donations may also include cereal, oatmeal, powdered milk, rice, instant potatoes, pasta, and canned soups and stews.

Collection Points
Throughout the drive, collection boxes will be available at the following locations:
• Front Royal Town Hall, 102 E Main St
• Front Royal Visitors Center, 414 E Main St
• Warren County Community Center, 538 Villa Ave
• Social Services Office, 465 W. 15th St (outside near drop box)
• Samuels Public Library, 330 E Criser Rd
• Warren County Government Center, 220 N Commerce Ave
There will also be collection boxes at the Festival of Leaves in downtown Front Royal, October 14th, 10 am to 6 pm at the Visitor’s Center Tent, and the Jack O’Lantern Jubilee at the Health and Human Services Complex football field (465 W 15th Street) on October 26th from 6 pm to 8 pm. Randolph-Macon Academy Middle School Interact Club will also be collecting food.
Participating Food Pantries
In addition, you may bring food donations directly to several of the food pantries. Call ahead to ensure they will be open when you arrive and are available to receive donations:
• C-CAP, 400 Kendrick Lane, Suite B; 540-636-2448
• The Embassy Deliverance and Worship Center, 413 South St, Suite G&H (Friday nights); 540-636-9595
• Helping Hands (Warren Charge UMC), donations by appointment only; 540-683-9080
• Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry, Catholic Charities, 613 N Royal Ave; 540-252-4320
• Salvation Army, 357 Cloud St; 540-635-4020
• Warren County Department of Social Services, 465 W 15th St; 540-635-3430
Other food pantries may also be accepting donations. Only those that agreed to participate in this food drive are listed here; we will add others as they join in.
Even if the pantry you typically support is not on this list, they may still need your help! Please check in with them.